William Armaline

William Armaline

Department of Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 




William Armaline is a Professor in the Department of Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences and founder of the Human Rights Minor Program and Human Rights Institute at San José State University.  His formal training and professional experience span sociology, education, and human rights.  Dr. Armaline’s interests, applied work, and scholarly publications address social problems as they relate to political economy, politics, human rights, racism, critical pedagogy, inequality and youth, mass incarceration, policing, and drug policy reform.  His new book with co-author Davita Silfen Glasberg (Human Rights Praxis and the Struggle for Survival, Routledge Press, out in late spring 2024) examines the threats to human rights and survival posed by global capitalism and an increasingly militarized and authoritarian world that takes the form of a global police state in scope and effect.


Select Publications

W. Armaline. Public education against neoliberal capitalism: Strategies and opportunities. In Shannon, D. and J. Galle (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Approaches to Pedagogy and Place-Based Education (2017, Palgrave-Macmillan).

W. Armaline, D. Glasberg, and B. Purkayastha. The Human Rights Enterprise: Political sociology, state power, and social movements (2015, Polity Press).

W. Armaline, C. Vera Sanchez, and M. Correia. “The Biggest Gang in Oakland: Rethinking police legitimacy” (2014, Contemporary Justice Review).