Founder Fiesta

AI Tools for Early Stage Founders

February 13, 2025, 4:00 - 6:00PM
MLK Jr. Library - Room 225

In-Person - Pizza and snacks will be provided!

nirajNiraj Rai

Niraj is a founder with FalconX and is building SproutsAI, an AI agent platform to help automate business processes.

divya Divya Manjari

Divya is a founder with FalconX, and is building Drezily, an AI-powered shopping copilot to improve product search.


michaelDean Michael Meth

Michael Meth is the Dean of the San José State University (菠菜网lol正规平台) Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, Library and interim Dean of the College of Professional and Global Education. Formerly, he was the Associate Dean, Research and Learning Services at the Florida State University (FSU) Libraries. Previously, Michael held positions at the University of Toronto Libraries. 

Michael is a graduate of the UofT (Master of Information Studies) and York University (Bachelor of Business Administration, Schulich School of Business).  

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